2025: Everything is starting to change

Launch Creevoo

Jan, 12 2025

Just craft and launch my new projects called 'Creevoo', a web design templates projects to store and building a good business website templates that support multiple platforms.

2024: Good actions start with good thoughts

Lauch Dev Crates

Dec, 12 2024

Craft a better developer resources website with new clean and simple look website concept. Allow the audiences and clients focus on the main goal of the website.

Lauch Dev Crates

Redesign Weebo Website

Dec, 08 2024

Redesign the weebo website with new clean and simple look website concept. Allow the audiences and clients focus on the main goal of the website.

Create website for Guna Transport

Dec, 05 2024

Creat official website for Guna Transport, a new transportation company that is going to be launched in 2025.

Create website for Guna Transport

Launching brook code theme

Nov, 01 2024

Create simple and elegant code editor theme that support vscode, zed and others, comes with simplicity for developers.

Launching brook code theme

Create software business

Oct, 01 2024

Tried to explore, and start create my own software business. This is my first step to create my own software business.

Create software business

Create tiny resource for developer

Oct, 01 2024

A collection tools, library, or resources for developers that i have created to support the workflows and development process. Also a place to create another librray, ui, types and so on. Explore your utils at Weecraft.

Create tiny resource for developer

Create web design business

Jan, 01 2024

With all of the experience and knowledge, I create a web design business at Weebo. I'm so excited to start this new journey.

Business See detail
Create web design business

2023: Take advantage of the opportunity

Start freelance as a fullstack developer

Jan, 01 2023

It's my turn time to start all of my career as freelancer. I resign to @dimata and start the journey.

Start freelance as a fullstack developer

2021: The year of growth

Promoted as a senior software engineer

Jun, 01 2021

After 2 years of hard work, time to promoted as a senior software engineer. Responsible to redesign the apps, create microservices, integrate api, collab with designers, and create a design system for the company.


2019: The starting time

Become junior software engineer @dimata

Sep, 01 2019

After graduated, joining the awesome team to create and maintain software for business and goverment at Dimata. Responsible to maintain the sites, codebase, create new apps, redesign apps.

Fresh graduated as a computer & networking engineer

Jul, 01 2019

After 3 years of hard work, learning and practicing, I finally graduated from vocational high school of Negeri Bali Mandara. I was so proud of myself.

Learn basic html, css, javascript to create blog

Jun, 01 2019

Learn the basic of html, css, javascript to create blog, then start learning web design, create template and others.
